APOSTLE ALEXANDER NANA YAW KUMI LARBI(GEN. SEC OF COP) VISITS PENSA-UEW Unknown 16:35 Add Comment Edit The General Secretary of the Church of Pentecost, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi visited and worshipped with PENSA University ...
VISITATIONS TO THE ORPHANAGE-PENSA UEW(LSP) Unknown 16:04 Add Comment Edit The Literary Society of PENSA (LSP), University of Education, Winneba Campus, as part of their third anniversary visited the orphans...
ARTICLE: THE COMPETENCE AND ATTITUDE OF STEWARDSHIP Unknown 15:55 Add Comment Edit THE COMPETENCE AND ATTITUDE OF STEWARDSHIP " His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been fait...
BUILDING A HEALTHY SOCIETY AS A GOOD STEWARD OF GOD-PENSA UCC Unknown 09:32 Add Comment Edit Pastor William Kumordji speaking at the service The week long activity of the Ladies and Gents fellowship of PENSA UCC came to a su...
ZONAL PRAYER CONFERENCE-WINNEBA/SWEDRU ZONE Unknown 16:51 Add Comment Edit ZONAL PRAYER CONFERENCE-WINNEBA/SWEDRU ZONE There was a two day prayer conference at Gomoa SHTS from Friday 27th to Saturday 28 M...
ARTICLE: DEALING WITH ACTS OF SIN Unknown 19:07 Add Comment Edit DEALING WITH ACTS OF SIN It remains a fact that one must not continue to be in the same room with the opposite sex while he/they can ...