This term homosexuality is not new at all because it has been used centuries ago. The practice is also nothing new and at least all societies in the world have some few people who may be practicing it. What is alarming however is how it is gaining respect and popularity in modern society and how people have come to accept and practice it openly with no shame. Those who practice have gained recognition in states and even some churches have publicly allowed their people to practice if they wish.
It is time religious leaders sit up and tackle the issue more seriously because most people are accepting and practicing it in the church right under the cross of Christ. The city of Sodom and Gomorrah and its practices have now established in some churches.
Homosexuality has been said by some to be the romantic or sexual attraction or activity between members of the same sex or gender. It is when people of the same sex feel sexually attracted to each other and are engaged in sexual activities that give them sexual pleasure and satisfaction. Men who practice homosexuality are called Gays and women who practice homosexuality are called Lesbians.

Homosexuality is a practice that is known among most African societies. It is well known, but most Africans naturally understood that though it exists, it is a wrong practice and only very few people were involved. No one would even believe that Christians are involved or would be involved in such practices.
People who are engaged hide themselves; a practice they accept is not good for them to engage in.
However, today people have deceived to believe homosexuals are born (genetic). It is seen as a category of sexual orientation along with bisexuality and heterosexuality. Many Christians are comfortable with the situation and those who are involved find themselves helpless.
The church and all religious bodies, which do not subscribe to homosexuality, must sit up because it is eating into our communities quietly.
Some people think homosexuality is inborn and unchangeable. Therefore, people who practice homosexuality do so because they are born with it and there are special genes in them that control this. They also believe once a homosexual there is no way to change, you are born with it, you live with it and you must die with it. That is a general perception. People who are not homosexuals themselves but support homosexuality think it is inborn and immutable but that is not true.
One neuroscientist who himself is a homosexual once said, people who think that gays and lesbians are born that way are also more likely to support gay rights. Research has also shown that adoptive brothers are more likely to be both homosexuals than biological brothers who share half their genes which suggest that homosexuality is not genetically caused.
Most people who are fighting for the rights of homosexuals globally are either homosexuals themselves or have been depending on homosexuals for assistance or sustenance for one reason or the other. There are no empirical, experimental or scientific evidence anywhere to prove that homosexuality is genetic. People are promoting homosexuality behind the veil of psychology, genetics and evolution. Even if homosexuality should be determined by genes, which cannot happen, it could be modified by the environment (nature and nurture phenomenon).
I want to strongly state that if not all, most of all those who endorse homosexuality are people who do not believe the existence of God at all. If some have believe in God at all they might not know Him but might have just heard or read about Him but are completely ignorant of His laws. Christians who endorse homosexuality are no Christians at all. They only enjoy the use of the name Christianity, or are fond with some Christian practices or rituals.
In fact the contention between homosexuality and conservative Christians is actually contention between Christ and the world system. People who are fighting for the rights of gays and lesbians are actually fighting for an agenda. Their aim is to look down on the Bible and religion. Their emphasis is on pushing all forms of religion behind and making man the centre of the world. Though some claim to be atheist, they are actually promoting one kind of religion or movement, which is anti-Church.
Personally, arguing from the natural and theological point of view homosexuality is purely environmental not genetic. It is a deviant act that is learnt and acquired through exposure to other homosexuals. Human beings naturally can do anything. Most of the things we do in life could be bad or good, but most often our minds can bring huge ideas which are neither profitable to society nor us.
Homosexuality cannot be right today neither will it be right tomorrow, whether society accepts it or not does not really change what is. A spade must be called a spade and not a gardening tool.

Most homosexuals who are in high positions and great possessions feel disturbed when society talks against them. They are pushing for recognition because they want to have some comfort to practice it. But let us be fair to nature and ourselves, are they really happy? , Are they really healthy? And don’t they carry great pain and health problems greater than heterosexuals?


NOTE: This article was curved from Pastor Emmanuel Agyei Kwafo's book on "Born A Gay"?
You can contact him on:
©Kwafo Emmanuel Agyei “Born A Gay?”
Author            Pastor Emmanuel Agyei Kwafo
                        The Church of Pentecost
                        PENSA ITI Travelling Secretary
                        Central Sector


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